10 Essential Kubectl Commands Every DevOps Pro Should Know

In the fast-paced world of DevOps, efficiency is key. Knowing the right Kubectl commands can significantly streamline your Kubernetes management tasks. In this article, we'll explore the top 10 essential Kubectl commands that every DevOps pro should have in their toolkit.


Welcome to the world of Kubernetes, where DevOps professionals harness the power of container orchestration. Kubectl, the command-line tool for Kubernetes, is your trusted companion in this journey. Let's dive into the essential commands to make your DevOps tasks a breeze.

1. kubectl apply - The Configurator

With 'kubectl apply,' you can effortlessly apply configuration changes to your cluster. It's the go-to command for deploying updates to your applications without any hassle.

2. kubectl get - Insight at Your Fingertips

The 'kubectl get' command empowers you to retrieve information about various resources in your cluster. Whether it's pods, services, or deployments, 'kubectl get' provides valuable insights.

3. kubectl logs - Unraveling the Mysteries

When troubleshooting your applications, 'kubectl logs' is your best friend. This command allows you to access container logs, helping you diagnose issues and ensure smooth operations.

4. kubectl exec - Direct Access

With 'kubectl exec,' you can gain direct access to a container within a pod. It's a powerful tool for debugging and running commands within your containers.

5. kubectl delete - Cleanup Made Easy

Managing resources is a breeze with 'kubectl delete.' It lets you remove pods, services, or any other resources you no longer need, keeping your cluster tidy.

6. kubectl rollout - Updating with Confidence

'kubectl rollout' commands, such as 'status' and 'history,' give you the ability to perform controlled updates and monitor their progress, ensuring seamless deployments.

7. kubectl port-forward - Exposing Services

Need to access a service running in your cluster? 'kubectl port-forward' lets you forward network ports, making your services accessible for local testing.

8. kubectl describe - Detailed Insights

When you need detailed information about a resource, 'kubectl describe' comes to the rescue. It offers in-depth insights, helping you understand the current state of your resources.

9. kubectl scale - Efficient Scaling

Scaling your applications becomes effortless with 'kubectl scale.' This command allows you to adjust the number of replicas, ensuring your application meets demand.

10. kubectl rollout restart - Refresh and Revive

When it's time to refresh your deployments or fix issues without making complex changes, 'kubectl rollout restart' comes to the rescue. This command allows you to gracefully restart your deployments, ensuring your applications are up and running smoothly, just like hitting the refresh button on your web browser.


In the world of DevOps, mastering Kubectl commands is a game-changer. These 10 essential commands have the power to streamline your Kubernetes management tasks, making your journey as a DevOps professional smoother and more efficient.

Embrace the potential of Kubectl, and let these commands become your trusty allies in the dynamic realm of container orchestration. Happy DevOps journey!


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