5 Practical Use Cases of Bash Loops with Code Examples

Bash loops are a powerful tool for automating tasks in the Unix and Linux command line environment. They allow you to repeat commands or iterate through a list of items, making them an essential skill for sysadmins, developers, and anyone looking to streamline their workflow. In this blog post, we'll explore five practical use cases of bash loops, complete with code examples.

1. Iterating Through Files in a Directory

One common use case for bash loops is processing files in a directory. For instance, you might want to perform the same operation on each file within a folder. Here's an example of how to use a 'for' loop to achieve this:


# Loop through all text files in the directory

for file in *.txt; do

    echo "Processing file: $file"

    # Add your processing command here


In this example, the loop iterates through all the text files in the current directory and processes each file.

2. Batch Renaming Files

Renaming a batch of files in a systematic way can be a tedious task, but a bash loop can make it simple. Here's an example of how you can use a 'for' loop to rename files with a common prefix:




for file in *.jpg; do


    mv "$file" "$new_name"

    count=$((count + 1))


This script renames all .jpg files in the directory to "holiday1.jpg," "holiday2.jpg," and so on.

3. Running Automated Tests

For software developers, running automated tests is a crucial part of the development process. You can use a 'for' loop to execute test cases in a controlled and systematic manner. Here's a simplified example:


test_cases=("test_case1" "test_case2" "test_case3")

for test in "${test_cases[@]}"; do

    echo "Running $test..."

    ./run_test.sh "$test"


This script executes a series of test cases, reporting the progress as it goes.

4. Creating Backups of Important Files

Regular backups are essential to protect your data. You can automate this task using a 'for' loop to copy files to a backup location:


data_files=("data1.txt" "data2.txt" "data3.txt")

for file in "${data_files[@]}"; do

    echo "Generating report for $file..."

    # Add your report generation command here


This script copies a list of important files to a designated backup directory.

5. Generating Reports from Data Files

Suppose you have a set of data files and want to generate reports from each of them. A 'for' loop can simplify this process:


data_files=("data1.txt" "data2.txt" "data3.txt")

for file in "${data_files[@]}"; do

    echo "Generating report for $file..."

    # Add your report generation command here


This script iterates through data files and generates reports for each one.

Click here to master Bash Conditionals

Bash loops are a versatile and efficient way to automate tasks and process data. These examples provide a glimpse of their power and the time-saving potential they offer for a wide range of use cases. Whether you're managing files, running tests, creating backups, or generating reports, bash loops are an invaluable tool in your command-line arsenal.


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