10 Lesser-Known Linux Commands You Should Try

Linux is a powerful operating system with a wide range of commands at your disposal. While many Linux users are familiar with common commands like ls, cd, and grep, there are lesser-known commands that can simplify tasks, enhance productivity, and provide valuable insights into your system. In this guide, we'll introduce you to 10 such lesser-known Linux commands, explaining why and when you might find them useful.

1. tldr - Simplified Man Pages:

Why: It provides simplified and community-driven "man" pages for common commands.

When: Use it when you need quick, concise information about a command without diving into lengthy manual pages.

2. ncdu - Disk Usage Analyzer:

Why: It's a command-line utility for analyzing disk usage with a simple and interactive interface.

When: Use it to identify large files and directories consuming disk space.

3. exa - Modern ls Replacement:

Why: It's an improved and colorful alternative to ls, offering better readability and additional features.

When: Use it for a more informative and visually appealing directory listing.

4. htop - Interactive System Monitor:

Why: It's an interactive process viewer and system monitor that provides real-time insights into system resource usage.

When: Use it to monitor system performance, troubleshoot issues, and manage processes.

5. ripgrep (rg) - Fast Text Search:

Why: It's a fast and efficient text search tool that recursively searches your current directory.

When: Use it for lightning-fast text searches within files and directories.

6. watch - Repeating Commands:

Why: It runs a command repeatedly, displaying its output in real-time.

When: Use it to continuously monitor log files, system commands, or scripts.

7. tree - Directory Structure Visualization:

Why: It displays directory structures in a tree-like format.

When: Use it to visualize and navigate directory hierarchies.

8. curl - Data Transfer Tool:

Why: It's a versatile command-line tool for transferring data with support for various protocols.

When: Use it to download files, make API requests, or test web services.

9. rename - Batch File Renaming:

Why: It renames multiple files based on patterns, making batch renaming a breeze.

When: Use it when you need to rename files in bulk.

10. rsync - Efficient File Synchronization:

Why: It's a powerful tool for efficiently copying and synchronizing files and directories.

When: Use it to back up data, transfer files over a network, or keep directories in sync.


Linux offers a wealth of commands beyond the familiar basics. Exploring lesser-known commands like tldr, ncdu, exa, and others can enhance your productivity and help you perform various tasks more efficiently. Whether you're managing disk space, monitoring system performance, or searching for text within files, these commands have valuable roles to play in your Linux journey.

Next time you find yourself facing a Linux task, consider trying one of these lesser-known commands to simplify and streamline your workflow.


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